Friday, October 10, 2008

A few words on friendship

What is the real meaning of a "friend"?

Is a friend somebody who would stay up all night during a hurricane and play a best of 21 pool series?

Is a friend somebody, although they are more than 4800 miles away, who will send you cigars?

Is a friend somebody who, despite denying it for years, ALWAYS drink your milk?

Is a friend somebody who always has space on the couch for you to crash?

Is a friend somebody who will pick you up when you're walking down Broadway in the middle of the night?

Is a friend somebody who will drive the lane, 1 on 5?

Is a friend somebody who will not laugh when you come up with ridiculous rap names?

Is a friend somebody who will agree to a bbq or crawfish boil at the drop of a hat?

Is a friend somebody who will look the other way while the British animal cookies disappear?

The answer is yes. Happy Birthday, Paul.

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