Monday, January 11, 2010

The Definition of Irony

Ok, so on my commute to Galveston, I drive by a few of the "adult oriented entertainment" bars in Houston. One of the biggest ones a lot of us have heard of is called "Heart Breakers."

Now, I'm not going into go too far here, so you can relax. This is a family blog. So keep the comments family friendly as well.

Anyway, on to the ironic part. Immediately next door to this establishment is a 40 foot high billboard for a church.

The sign implores motorists and passengers to come to the church after their heart has been broken.

The location, the wording, the imagery. It's great. I think the bill board sets forth this kind of message: go to the strip club on Saturday night and then get forgiven on Sunday in church.

This is perhaps one of the problems with organized religion. (Note I said perhaps so I don't want to hear anything from those of you readers who happen to be more religious than some of the others.) Some of the other problems include war and abuse of children. I suppose I've offended plenty of people so I guess I'll call it a night.


Colin said...

Between Dallas and Houston there is a Billboard that says "Stop the Porn - God" and it is right in front of a 24Hr bookstore. It always cracks me up.

Jordy said...

Did anyone watch The Simpsons anniversary special? I'm refering to the part where they interview Bill Donahue when they're talking about how The Simpsons offended the Catholic Church.

I say, sorry Jesus. Anyone who can't take a joke can't be my mesiah. So, I guess you're out too, Mohammed.

Laura Proc said...

Maybe it's more like having 2 gas stations right next to each other -- they think they're selling a similar product and hoping the motorists choose them over the other one. Although, I guess the "product" isn't exactly the same... depending on what kind of church it is.

Vik Vij said...

For the record, the deleted comment was spam. Recently, I've been getting spammed recently. Most of the spam has been on older posts, but this was on Monday's. Odd.

Colin, that is also very funny.

Jeremy, I DVRd that but haven't seen it. I can only imagine it's awesome.

Laura, I think you missed the point. It's not like two gas stations at all.

Colin said...

Also it is too bad that back in the day that establishment was 21 and older.

Jordy said...


You've gotten weak in the eyes old man.

Vik Vij said...

Jordy. Brain fart. Also, im an idiot. although im my defense you both have ties to boston, have certain a-hole tendencies and talk a lot of $hit. so, forgive me.

J said...

As if lap-dance induced stains on my pants isn't shame enough, they need to confront me with a billboard?!?!?